Pet Obesity Awareness Day is coming up on the 12th! Obesity is a huge problem with our animal companions. Many people want to love and pamper their pets, which is wonderful. Of course, we all know that our animal pals…
Pet Obesity Awareness Day is coming up on the 12th! Obesity is a huge problem with our animal companions. Many people want to love and pamper their pets, which is wonderful. Of course, we all know that our animal pals…
Did you know that Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week starts September 18? This is a wonderful cause. There are many sweet, lovable kitties in shelters, that keep getting passed over just because they’re a little different. We’re always happy…
Benefits Playing is just as good for older dogs as it is for puppies. Fido will still need the exercise. Althoguh he won’t be as frisky or zoomy as he once was, it’s still important for him to get regular…
Fido has long since officially chosen the pawprint as his personal symbol and icon. Those furry feet are crucial to his overall health and well-being! After all, he couldn’t really get around without them! Taking care of your pup’s paws…
Kitties can be quite confusing little pets. Fluffy sometimes bites to show affection, and then ignores you when she isn’t feeling cuddly. This may be cute, but some of your pet’s mysterious quirks can be dangerous. For instance, cats have…
Is your pet in their golden years? If so, you’ll want to take extra care with your furry buddy over the next few months. While the hot weather is hard on all of our animal companions, older pets have a…