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Soothing Anxious Pets

Today, August 15th, is National Relaxation Day! It’s important to just take some down time for yourself regularly, and just unwind a bit. Pets can be both reminders and role models of that! However, some of our furry friends are…

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dog with brown and white fur

Life Lessons From Snoopy

August 10th is a pretty important day for our canine companions: it’s the official birthday of Snoopy, the beloved cartoon Beagle that has been charming us since 1950. As it turns out, we can learn quite a bit from this…

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Litterbox Training A Bunny

Rabbit Week starts July 26th! We’re always ‘hoppy’ to celebrate Floppy. One of the best things about bunnies is the fact that they can be litterbox trained. A Middletown, KY offers some advice on this below. Getting Started If Floppy…

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Choosing A Scratching Post

Have you ever found your kitty scratching your chair or sofa? Fluffy is super cute, but her nail-care habits aren’t always a big hit with her humans. This is definitely a case of ‘if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.’…

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Dog Party Day

There’s a pretty pawesome pet holiday coming up. June 21st is Dog Party Day! Fido is a very social animal, and he does benefit from being able to play and interact with other pups. A local Louisville, KY vet offers…

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Celebrating Hug Your Cat Day With The Kids

June 4th is Hug Your Cat Day! This is definitely something the whole family can get on board with. Our feline pals can be wonderful playmates and cuddle buddies for children. Fluffy also offers comfort on bad days, and can…

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